Gemini astrology
Gemini astrology

gemini astrology gemini astrology

The optical companion, of magnitude 9.6, is visible in binoculars and small telescopes. Ε Gem (Mebsuta), a double star, includes a primary yellow supergiant of magnitude 3.1, nine hundred light-years from Earth. The period is over 1000 years it is divisible in medium amateur telescopes. The primary is a white star of magnitude 3.5, and the secondary is an orange dwarf star of magnitude 8.2. Δ Gem (Wasat) is a long-period binary star 59 light-years from Earth. Γ Gem (Alhena) is a blue-white hued star of magnitude 1.9, 105 light-years from Earth. Pollux has an extrasolar planet revolving around it, as do two other stars in Gemini, HD 50554, and HD 59686.

gemini astrology

Β Gem ( Pollux) is an orange-hued giant star of magnitude 1.14, 34 light-years from Earth. A wide-set red dwarf star is also a part of the system this star is an Algol-type eclipsing binary star with a period of 19.5 hours its minimum magnitude is 9.8 and its maximum magnitude is 9.3. Two spectroscopic binaries are visible at magnitudes 1.9 and 3.0 with a period of 470 years. Α Gem ( Castor) is a sextuple star system 52 light-years from Earth, which appears as a magnitude 1.6 blue-white star to the unaided eye. Although the characters of myth are twins, the actual stars are physically very different from each other. Castor's Bayer designation as "Alpha" arose because Johann Bayer did not carefully distinguish which of the two was the brighter when he assigned his eponymous designations in 1603. The brightest star in Gemini is Pollux, and the second-brightest is Castor. The constellation contains 85 stars of naked eye visibility. When the Moon moves through Gemini, its motion can easily be observed in a single night as it appears first west of Castor and Pollux, then aligns, and finally appears east of them. In doing so, an imaginary line that is relatively close to the ecliptic is drawn, a line which intersects Gemini roughly at the midpoint of the constellation, just below Castor and Pollux. Another way is to mentally draw a line from the Pleiades star cluster located in Taurus and the brightest star in Leo, Regulus. The easiest way to locate the constellation is to find its two brightest stars Castor and Pollux eastward from the familiar V-shaped asterism (the open cluster Hyades) of Taurus and the three stars of Orion's Belt ( Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka). Gemini is prominent in the winter skies of the northern Hemisphere and is visible the entire night in December–January. The Sun will move through Gemini from June 21 to July 20 through 2062. In 1990, the location of the Sun on the first day of summer moved from Gemini into Taurus, where it will remain until the 27th century AD and then move into Aries. During the first century AD, axial precession shifted it into Gemini. In classical antiquity, Cancer was the location of the Sun on the first day of summer (June 21). Gemini lies between Taurus to the west and Cancer to the east, with Auriga and Lynx to the north, Monoceros and Canis Minor to the south and Orion to the south-west. Gemini is associated with the myth of Castor and Polydeuces (also known as Pollux), collectively known as the Dioscuri. Its old astronomical symbol is (♊︎).Īn animation of the constellation Gemini (center), "the twins", shows two parallel stick figures. Its name is Latin for twins, and it is associated with the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology. It was one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd century AD astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. Gemini is one of the constellations of the zodiac and is located in the northern celestial hemisphere. Visible at latitudes between + 90° and − 60°.īest visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of February.

Gemini astrology