Pink floyd run like hell
Pink floyd run like hell

pink floyd run like hell

this is a warning to run like hell before what you think is acceptable becomes non pc by the. cops but the machine of politics using them to enable their agenda. not just the actual line enforcement i.e. how about something much deeper like societies insecurities and twisted morals being enforced by over zealous 'law enforcement'. As well as expressing Waters' frightening delusions, it serves as one of The Wall's most solidly constructed rock pieces. a man being chased by pink and his allies, not a chance. Granted, the stuff you hear from this release on the radio nearly every Friday is incredible stuff well worth listening to, but this song doesn't get enough.

pink floyd run like hell

And it does this better than any other song on the album. Both Gilmour and Waters show off their superb collaborating skills, and Mason and Wright contribute just as fundamentally. 'Run Like Hell,' which fits in perfectly with the rest of this concept album, gives 'The Wall' a serious sense of dread and menace. "Run Like Hell is an excellent example of how a song can vividly paint images and conduct its intentions through its instruments as well as its words. The song begins with the haunting echoes of Gilmour's guitar riffs, introducing the sinister ideals of the upcoming track. Gilmour's guitar work creates most of the song's threatening rhythms and tempo, giving it a march-like feel alongside the seesaw drumming of Nick Mason. The parallelism between a police state and Pink's psyche represents that Pink is finally becoming aware of his bleak outlook, and by coming to terms with his feelings, he can learn to control them, thus flushing out this menacing persona that has led him to insanity. This empowering activity that arises through a fascist dictatorship is the same type of power that The Wall's lead character, Pink, feels he enacts when up on the stage during a concert. Its outright message from Waters is to beware of the "powers that be," which have the strength to take away any freedom that a society cherishes. Meant to express Roger Waters' paranoia about living in a police state and the dangers of being ruled by a fascist regime, "Run Like Hell" is The Wall's best rock song because of its instrumental follow-through and its lyrical blatancy.

Pink floyd run like hell